Astérale 岩蘭草純露 200ml
NT$ 980.00
容量:200ml 蒸餾比:4kg to 1L 產地:馬達加斯加東岸 蒸餾部位:根部有機認證 Nature et Progres
Soothing lotion for reactive and irritated skin. It can also be used internally as a soothing digestive.
Asterale 有機芳香純露 Eau Florale
高濃蒸餾比 High aromatic concentration
0.2微米過濾 0.2 micron microfiltration
不含防腐劑 without preservative
紫晶瓶保存 Purple glass bottle with spray
有機認證與分析 Nature et Progrès / analysis at CNRS
微生物控管檢測 Microbiological control ACM pharma
可用於肌膚保養與內服 Use in cosmetics and internally